

Take back control of your maps

Other Uses

We’ve focused on tiles, but since OpenStreetMap – uniquely – gives you access to the raw map data, you can build any location or geo- application. These are the most common starting points; a full listing is available at the OpenStreetMap Wiki.

Common tools

  • Osmosis is an all-purpose Java application for loading OSM data into a database. Most applications of OSM data use Osmosis in some way.
  • Osmium is a flexible framework, rapidly gaining popularity, which offers a highly configurable alternative to Osmosis.
  • Mapbox Studio is a suite of tools to produce ‘vector tiles’ which can be rendered either server-side or client-side.

Geocoding services

  • Nominatim is OpenStreetMap’s geocoding service (placename<->lat/long). It has significant hardware requirements and many people choose to use the free instance offered by MapQuest Open.
  • OpenCage provides a public geocoding API aggregating Nominatim and other sources.
  • OSMNames - place names from OpenStreetMap. Downloadable. Ranked. With bbox and hierarchy. Ready for geocoding.

Routing engines and services

Vector map libraries (mobile)

Vector map libraries (Web)

  • Kothic JS renders OSM data “on the fly” using HTML5, without the need for raster tile images.
  • Mapbox GL JS and Tangram render vector tiles based on OSM data using WebGL for better performance.